


Details are now being taken for pre-pre-school places for 2025/2026. Should you wish to put your child's name on the waiting list, please contact us via the link at the left of this page or telephone Lesa.


Please note that for financial reasons, we are unable to hold places for children who are not eligible to start until after Christmas unless the child is returning to us for his/her pre-school year.


Pre-pre playgroup sessions will be mornings this year, from 9.15am - 12.00pm. 


N.B. We are now registered to accept a range of Childcare Vouchers.


Family Support NI have a new & improved website to provide information on all types of Family Support Services. It is designed to enable users to access information about available services in Northern Ireland -


Admissions Criteria

Respective Functions of the Management Committee


The Management Committee draws up the admissions criteria and delegates to the Supervisor and Deputy Leader the responsibility for applying these criteria.


It is our intention at Bo-Peep Corner that equal opportunity should be given to all children who wish to enter our centre and that no child should be refused on the grounds of religion, gender, sexual orientation, class, means, disability or colour. Bearing the above points in mind, the following set of admissions criteria will be applied for entrance to our centre:


A) Funded Places 


Session Times: Monday to Friday - 9.15am - 12 noon.


NB: Applications for funded places are only considered from children in their pre-school year.


When considering which children should be selected for admission, the Management Committee will only take into account information that is detailed on or attached to the application form. Parents should therefore ensure that all information pertaining to their child and relevant to the centre's admissions criteria is stated on the application form or attached to it. For example, whether the child is the eldest or only child in the family, if there are any medical or social circumstances that should be taken into consideration etc.


Statutory Criteria

  1.        Children from socially disadvantaged circumstances in their              final pre-school year who were born:             
  • On or between 2 July 2021 & 1 July 2022  (inclusive) and whose parents have not exercised their right to defer their child's entry to primary school; or,
  • On or between 1 April 2021 and 1 July 2021 (inclusive) or were due to be born on or between those dates but were born earlier; and,   

            . have not attended or are not currently attending a funded pre-                    school setting under the Pre-School Education Programme as a                  target aged child; and,

            . that child has completed a request to defer their child starting P1

              until September 2026.*

        * Definition of socially disadvantaged circumstances can be

            found on the Education Authority website.


       2. Children not from 'socially disadvantaged' circumstances* who are             in their final pre-school year (as defined by criterion 1)


Should the centre be over-subscribed, the following sub-criteria will apply:


Within the criteria 1 & 2 stated above, preference will be given to:


(a) Children who have specified the centre as their first preference.

(b) Children whose siblings have attended the centre in previous


(c) Children who are deemed by the centre to have special medical

      or social circumstances.

(d) Children who are already attending the centre in a fee-paying


(e) Eldest or only child in the family, as stipulated on the

     Application Form.

(f) Children referred by Social Services or other Health Care


(g) Preference will be given to the child who lives closest to the

     centre, as measured by road or public footpath. Distance will 

     be measured "as the crow flies" from post-code to post-

     code, using


Should two or more children live an equal distance from the centre, preference will be given on the basis of the initial letter of the surname, as recorded on the child’s birth certificate using a randomly selected set of letters.


Non-Statutory Criteria

           3.  Children who were born:

                . On or between 1 April 2021- 1 July 2021 (inclusive), or were due to be born on or                      between those dates but were born earlier, and,

                . have attended or are currently attending a funded pre-school setting, under the Pre-                      School Education Programme as a target age (not penultimate aged) child; and,

                . that child's parent has completed a request to defer their child starting P1.


Tie Breaker - Non Statutory Criterion 3

Children within Criterion 3 will be selected in Chronological Order of Age - eldest child first. In the of two or more children having the same DOB the above random selection of letters will be used.


 Waiting List Policy


Should a vacancy arise once the Open Enrolment procedure is concluded, the above criteria will be used to select from those applicants who were unsuccessful in securing a funded place.  


Duty to Verify


The Management Committee reserves the right to require such supplementary evidence as it may determine to support or verify information on any application form.


If the requested evidence is not provided to the Management Committee by the deadline given, this will result in the withdrawal of an offer of a place. Similarly, if information is supplied, which appears to be false or misleading in any material way, the offer of a place will be withdrawn.



B) Fee-Paying Places

Children will be admitted from our waiting list, with preference given to those children whose siblings have attended the centre in previous years. 

Due to financial restrictions, children must also be toilet trained by the agreed starting date otherwise fees must be paid to hold the child's place.



At Bo-Peep, our overall aim is for children to have fun at playgroup.


We foster an environment that allows children to learn through play at their own pace while gaining confidence and independence in preparation for the transition to primary school. 


Working in partnership with parents/carers, we strive to enable the children to develop their individual potential and ensure each child has a happy and rewarding time at playgroup.

Bo-Peep Corner
Preschool Playgroup

St Galls Community Hall

171 Crawfordsburn Road


BT19 1BT 




Playgroup Supervisor