Playgroup Day
Bo-Peep Corner offers the following sessions:
1) Monday - Friday, 9.15am - 12 midday
for children in their immediate pre-school year. These places are funded.
2) Part-time places for pre-pre children - usually Monday, Wednesday & Friday or Tuesday & Thursday (mornings at present). The cost per session is £13.00.
The playgroup session follows a basic routine:
- Staff arrive and set up the playroom with a wide range of stimulating play;
- The children arrive and are greeted at the door;
- Throughout the session children have free play and, at times, perhaps some structured play;
- Snack is offered during the session;
- In the final hour there may be songs and games. During this time children are read a story and given the opportunity to discuss anything they feel is important to them;
- Children are encouraged to help tidy up the various play areas before the session ends.
Behaviour management:
Rules are kept to a minimum and are made to ensure the safety and well-being of the children. Staff aim to be consistent, fair and firm with the children, encouraging them to behave positively. Emphasis is placed on praise and reinforcement of positive behaviour. Our centre has developed a Behaviour Management Plan – a copy of this is included in the parent’s Welcome Pack. It details our system of simple rules, consequences & rewards. Parents are requested to discuss this with their child & to return the signed acknowledgement part to us, retaining the plan for their own information.
"I'm more than happy. My child has been put on a different programme, where his progress is being monitored by a staff member who is very attentive & patient with him."- parent